RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Prep Week
RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Prep Week
When you have the necessary requirements and are looking to book your RYA Yachtmaster Exam, look no further than our prep weeks, We will ensure that you know our boats inside out and that you have sufficient practice in common skills and drills necessary to pass your RYA Yachtmaster exam.
Maximum 4:1 Instructor, Usually 3:1
Course Content
The prep courses are more for "tweaking" than teaching.
Pre-course experience / requirements
30 days at Sea
2 days as skipper on a vessel less than 24m LOA;
800 miles,
12 night hours
Valid First Aid Certificate
What's included?
Start & Finish Location: Gibraltar
We include Fuel, Marinas, Accommodation aboard, bedding, light meals at sea, Breakfast, Lunch, snacks, and drinks. Course notes & materials are also included in our RYA Yachtmaster Coastal course.
*Exam fees are not included in our course fee. Current price is £208 which is
payable direct to the RYA.
The Exam
The exam will include an assessment of your skippering skills, boat handling, general seamanship, navigation, safety awareness and knowledge of the IRPCS (collision regulations), meteorology and signals. You will be set tasks to demonstrate your ability and may also be asked questions on any part of the syllabus for all practical and shorebased courses up to RYA Yachtmaster Coastal level.
Additional Course Information
Before a Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence can be awarded you will need to hold a VHF Certificate and First Aid Certificate. You can either obtain these before you arrive in Gibraltar or we can arrange for you to take these in Gibraltar before your course. The typical cost of these certificates is £100 for the First Aid course and £100 for the VHF course.